KegLand Affiliate Program

Welcome to the KegLand Affiliate Program! If you are already aware of our program and believe you meet the eligibility criteria, please sign up now to become an affiliate and start earning. If you are new to our program, we invite you to continue reading our page to learn more about the exciting opportunities and benefits of being a KegLand affiliate.

Sign up now

KegLand Affiliate Program

Welcome to KegLand's Affiliate Program, where you have the opportunity to be a part of a dynamic community dedicated to home brewing excellence. As an affiliate, you will play a vital role in promoting our wide range of high-quality brewing supplies and equipment to your audience.

We have an affiliate program with three tiers that offers different opportunities based on your performance and content quality. You start as a Bronze Affiliate Program member, and we closely monitor your progress. Through expert analysis, we promote you to higher tiers as you excel.

Why you Should Join our Affiliate Programs


Bronze Affiliate Program

  • Earn a 5% commission on referrals.
  • Choose from 2000+ products to promote.
  • Perform and create high-quality content to upgrade

Silver Affiliate Program

  • Earn a 5% commission on referrals.
  • Choose from 2000+ products to promote.
  • Collaborate with KegLand

Gold Affiliate Program

  • Earn a 5% commission on referrals.
  • Choose from 2000+ products to promote.
  • Get the chance to be featured on KegLand platforms.
  • Products sample to review.

Bronze Affiliate Program

  • Earn a 5% commission on referrals.
  • Choose from 2000+ products to promote.
  • Perform and create high-quality content to upgrade

Silver Affiliate Program

  • Earn a 5% commission on referrals.
  • Choose from 2000+ products to promote.
  • Collaborate with KegLand

Gold Affiliate Program

  • Earn a 5% commission on referrals.
  • Choose from 2000+ products to promote.
  • Get the chance to be featured on KegLand platforms.
  • Products sample to review.

Who's Eligible? 

YouTubers and Video Content Creators:
If you produce content focused on home brewing, beer reviews, brewing techniques, or related topics, join our program. Your YouTube channel should have a substantial subscriber base and a track record of quality videos.

Bloggers and Content Creators:
We welcome bloggers with an established online presence and regular content related to home brewing, beer, or related topics. Your blog or website should be active and regularly updated.

Social Media Influencers:
If you have a significant following in the home brewing or beer enthusiast community, apply to our program. Your social media accounts should demonstrate high engagement and interaction with your audience.

Home Brew Clubs and Competitions:
Active home brew clubs, associations, or competitions promoting home brewing and educating members about brewing techniques and equipment are eligible. Your organisation should have a dedicated online presence or platform.

Home Brew Related Stores:
Specialised home brew stores selling supplies and equipment can apply. Your store should have a physical location or a well-established online presence.

Content Guidelines

  1. Brand Representation: Showcase our brand positively and professionally, highlighting the value and quality of our products. Avoid activities that may harm our brand reputation or integrity. Read more about KegLand mission and values 
  2. Customer Experience: Encourage a positive experience for your audience when interacting with our products and services. Provide accurate information about our products to help them make informed decisions. 
  3. Ethical Promotion: Follow industry guidelines and advertising regulations when promoting our products. Disclose your affiliate relationship transparently and honestly, ensuring full transparency with your audience. 
  4. Compliance with Advertising Rules: Stay informed about advertising industry rules and regulations. Ensure your promotional efforts comply to maintain a positive brand image and protect the interests of all parties involved. 

Payment and Tracking

Affiliates in our program have the option to receive their commissions via PayPal or store credit. Once you have earned a minimum of $100 in commissions, you will be eligible for payment. Please contact us when you become eligible for a payment to proceed.

Please note that meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee acceptance into our affiliate program. Each application is individually reviewed based on alignment with our program goals and the quality of the content or platform presented.

When you sign up for our affiliate program, please make sure to carefully review and agree to the terms and conditions provided. These terms and conditions outline important aspects of the program,

Become an Affiliate